Springeurop Paper 9


For a new Europe: an action plan!

On the basis of five priorities, let us define an action plan with the necessary resources to allow the reconstruction of Europe.

We wish to propose measures that are understandable, easy to apply and control, guarantors of social uplifting and bearers of virtuous behaviours: reduction of costs, savings , work,  solidarity.

Short-term: Accelerating the measures in progress

Releasing the lock-down:

Covid 19 morbidity differs by age, containment would be voluntary and would only be directed to people at risk, the majority of the population would self-immunize, little by little the pandemic would disappear, while waiting for the vaccine

 Gradually restart work : by encouraging home-working, adopting variable work schedules and respecting hygiene precautions, excluding immunodeficient persons

Supporting the weakest : for the benefit of viable businesses and the weakest individuals using “Helicopter” currency


Medium-Term: Initiating tax reforms

  1. Economic Policy : there will be no more prices to pay off the astronomical debts of states for future generations  through full cancellation of public and intra-European debts and drastic reduction in public spending NEW CURRENCY reform.
  2. The environment : stop destroying the planet, with a focus on shorter circuits, circular economy, alternative energies and nuclear energy, with a TAX LEVY ON ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS

  3. Inequalities : are exaggerated, let us simplify personal tax by TAX ON PERSONAL INCOME and Corporate Tax by TAX ON CORPORATE INCOME, both reforms will have two progressive effects, immunizing low incomes and less taxing work.

  4. Globalisation : let us relocate our industrial activity, our technological sectors and our strategic infrastructures to Europe and create the Gafa of tomorrow by means of TAX ON ACTIVITY.


Long-term : Aiming for a stronger Europe


    5. united Europe : Currency, Defense , Diplomacy, Health are European competences. These will be activated

    within the framework of a  EUROPEAN GOVERNANCE  Reform .


   The challenge is enormous , because it is the whole of our societal and institutional model that needs to be rebuild,

   but the opportunity is fantastic: becoming the world leader again !


   The Spring paper 10  "Reforms"  intended to describe the 5 reforms will be published after consultation .

May 2020